(If they aren’t railroaded into “transition,” that is):
anonymous asked:
Hi, would you be able to give a link to resources/studies that say that a significant proportion of children who experience gender dysphoria / think they are the other sex / however you want to word it end up being okay with their biosex and turn out lesbian, gay or bisexual as they enter their teens and/or adulthood? I’ve always pondered on whether that would be the case with children who are so quickly assigned a trans identity, so it would be really interesting to see some research on it!

Here is a start. These are mostly abstracts, but I have full access to most journal articles via a university, so can add more detail on request (time permitting).
Most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty. Children with persistent GID are characterized by more extreme gender dysphoria in childhood than children with desisting gender dysphoria. With regard to sexual orientation, the most likely outcome of childhood GID is homosexuality or bisexuality.”
“…as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health notes in their latest Standards of Care, gender dysphoria in childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood, and only 6 to 23 percent of boys and 12 to 27 percent of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood.”
“Multiple longitudinal studies provide evidence that gender-atypical behavior in childhood often leads to a homosexual orientation in adulthood, but only in 2.5% to 20% of cases to a persistent gender identity disorder (3, 6, 22). Even among children who manifest a major degree of discomfort with their own sex, including an aversion to their own genitalia (GID in the strict sense), only a minority go on to an irreversible development of transsexualism.”
“At follow-up, 3 participants (12%) were judged to have GID or gender dysphoria. Regarding sexual orientation, 8 participants (32%) were classified as bisexual/homosexual in fantasy, and 6 (24%) were classified as bisexual/homosexual in behavior. The remaining participants were classified as either heterosexual or asexual…
It is conceivable that the childhood criteria for GID may “scoop in” girls who are at relatively low risk for adolescent/adult gender dysphoria that revolves so much around somatic indicators.“
“In a study of pre-pubertal male and female children with gender dysphoria followed-up approximately 10 years later, only 27 percent of children with gender dysphoria remained gender dysphoric at follow-up [10]. Of those individuals who no longer expressed gender dysphoria at follow-up, a significant portion (all female and half the male participants) expressed a non-heterosexual sexual orientation [9]. Thus, gender concerns in neurotypical children prior to puberty may represent a developmental process related to both gender and sexuality for many individuals. ”
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That’s five. Five studies. Um, that’s kind of a lot more than there are studies showing any of the stuff in the trans narrative unless I am a stake in. Holy monkeys.
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THANK YOU for running this blog and gathering these resources. I don’t have kids, but my dog in the fight is being a gay man who was non-conforming as a little boy. Would I have been fast-tracked into therapy and puberty blockers these days? Sure seems like it, all because “little boys don’t want to dress up like a princess, you must be a little girl.” How confused I would have ended up, a life-long medical patient to fit someone else’s version of a “girl” instead of just being my own version of a boy. Thankfully, my parents humored me and got me a tiara until I moved on to the next fantasy. Which I did. Same for my best friend, a little girl who hated pink and playing house but who loved jumping in muddy piles of leaves with me every autumn.
You made another post on unexamined homophobia in these parents, and I think it’s a vital point. One mother in a recent feel-good story said she couldn’t stomach the idea of having an effeminate gay son, but if “he” was really a “she” it was okay. I feel so bad for all of these little boys and girls being “liberated” from their gender, when they’re really just being railroaded from one box of stereotypes into another. Will we see less well-adjusted gay and lesbian adults in 10 years because of this? How have gay role models and feminists been completely silenced by trans activists? I could speculate this being the umpteenth instance of straight white male privilege, even if they call themselves women, but the point has already been made elsewhere.
Transactivism has set feminism and gay rights back 50 years. It’s no coincidence that in many countries, it’s still illegal to be gay but acceptable for a man to “really” be a woman and have a straight relationship that way.
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