UPDATE December 6, 2018
4thWaveNow has returned Gallus Mag’s statement to its complete and original form as she submitted it to us.
Background: Shortly after we published GenderTrender’s statement, Automattic/WordPress.com–which at the time hosted the 4thWaveNow website–redacted the name of the individual Gallus Mag describes in her statement. Employees at Automattic/Wordpress.com manually edited our website, replacing the name with “[redacted]” in four places. This was done without consulting with us in any way; we were only informed after the fact. Since that time, we are aware of at least two other WordPress.com writers who were also subjected to the same stealth censorship treatment. This is in spite of the fact that the individual’s name has appeared (with the same details discussed in the below statement) on the websites of multiple news outlets. See here for a complete list.
We have restored the below statement to read as Gallus Mag intended.
4thWaveNow reached out to Gallus Mag of GenderTrender after WordPress dumped the site without warning. In her most recent post, Gallus Mag broke the full story of a Canadian MTF trans activist who has launched “human rights” complaints against a group of women’s salon workers who were unwilling to touch and wax male genitalia. GallusMag revealed other details about the activist’s prior social media activities, some of which pertained to underage girls.
GenderTrender’s importance as a groundbreaking investigative reporting outlet covering the excesses of transgender activism cannot be overstated. The site has also served as an incubator and launching pad for many other bloggers and writers; 4thWaveNow’s founder counts herself among them.
The loss of GenderTrender is a huge blow. It is also the latest casualty in a growing clash between, on one side, a loose coalition of feminists, parents, gay and lesbian people, detransitioners, free speech advocates, clinicians, and other supporters; and on the other side, a collection of extremist transgender advocates who will tolerate no dissent from anyone, from any quarter.
Gallus Mag’s statement follows.
by Gallus Mag of GenderTrender
WordPress.com pulled the plug on GenderTrender, TransgenderTropes101, RadfemReview, etc. on Friday November 16. I was notified via email by “Sal P.” of Automattic, the company that administers WordPress.com. He stated:
We received a report regarding the publication of private/personal information on your blogs. Specifically, the malicious publication of private details of a person’s gender identity.
Publishing this type of content is forbidden by our Terms of Service, and as such your account has been suspended.
If you would like to continue publishing this type of information, you are free to export your content, and move it to a more appropriate WordPress host
To download your content and take it elsewhere, you can use the export tool below for a limited time:”
I wrote back to Automattic/Wordpress.com and informed them of my longstanding policy to never post information from private sources (such as private social media accounts or Facebook groups, etc.) and reiterated the blog’s longstanding support of the rights of everyone affected by gender to hold their own beliefs without facing harassment or discrimination. I asked them to reinstate the blogs, as they had been suspended in error.
I received a response today, November 17, from an individual named “Knox”, who stated:
According to our Privacy Policy, the malicious publication of private details related to gender identity includes publishing former names. You can see more information regarding this policy at:
https://en.support.wordpress.com/private-information/If you would like to continue publishing this type of information, you are free to export your content, and move it to a more appropriate WordPress host
To download your content and take it elsewhere, you can use the export tool below for a limited time:”
This clarified for me that Automattic/Wordpress now considers the publishing of former names a form of malicious publication, if that individual declares a “transgender identity”. I looked at the portion of the TOS linked to by “Knox” and noted that five days after my post on Jonathan Yaniv’s human rights complaints against women who refused to wax his balls, Automattic/Wordpress.com enacted a new, unannounced, change to their Terms of Service that redefined “the malicious publication of private details” to include any reference to the legal or former name of any individual who declares a transgender identity.
There are over 36,000 blogs on Automattic/Wordpress.com that refer to the individual many know as Bruce Jenner. According to the new, unannounced TOS, these blogs are committing an act of malicious publication of Jenner’s private information and are subject to immediate removal from the platform without warning.
To be clear: As of November 13, 2018, the former life of any individual who now declares themselves transgender can never be referred to using materials which reveal the name they formerly used, even if it is their legal name, the name they used last week, or the name by which they are commonly known. For example, quoting news sources which identified serial killer “Donna Perry” by his former name Douglas Perry has become an act of “malicious publication” according to Automattic/Wordpress.com which will result in sudden removal of the blog (and any other unrelated blogs by the same author) from the platform, without prior notification or opportunity for appeal, even if that post was made prior to the unannounced changes to the TOS.
Will this new policy be widely enforced? Of course not. I believe this change to the WordPress TOS was hastily conceived as a guise to censor lesbian and feminist authors who are critical of “gender identity” ideology, specifically those who investigate or critique the actors behind various political or judicial campaigns to limit the rights of women. I believe this change is a direct result of GenderTrender’s exposure of Jonathan Yaniv, the figure behind 16 Canadian human rights complaints against women who declined to wax his balls, as an alleged sexual predator. I believe this unannounced change to the TOS, applied retroactively without prior warning or notification, is a ruse to justify the specific targeted censorship of certain popular long running lesbian and feminist blogs who critique the ingrained (and sometimes criminal!) misogyny of the transgender movement. I believe this is an organized, intentional initiative by WordPress.com to eliminate lesbian and feminist criticism and exposure of the epidemic harassment, predation, and sex-specific terrorism of male bodied people upon female bodied people, regardless of their personal “identity”.
As for “The future of GenderTrender”(and the other websites): contrary to the kind offer of “Sal P.” and “Knox” of Automattic, it is not possible to simply transfer the site to another host. Only a “live” blog can be transferred to another host. This is why it took 8 months for an archive to be created for RadfemHub (which was only online for a year) after the failure to renew the domain account by the wealthy patron it was entrusted to took it offline. By taking GenderTrender offline, Automattic/Wordpress.com has removed my access to my own work, specifically all media, images, screen caps and gifs published over 8 years in posts and comments. Their suggestion that I may export my content to another host is a fiction. Deleted blogs cannot be transferred. All media property posted on GenderTrender has been effectively stolen by Automattic/Wordpress.com. Piecing 8 years of blog content together manually from recovered or found sources would be cost and time prohibitive. I have requested that Automattic provide me with a transferrable export of GenderTrender and my other blogs and am breathlessly awaiting their reply. /s
I do have personal copies of the text of most of my original posts. Maybe I’ll put some of them somewhere at some point.
I would like to thank everyone who supported GenderTrender, with your readership, contributions, re-posts, and your beautiful beautiful comments. You taught me so much. What an incredible honor. I’m especially sad for the elimination of certain contributor posts, especially “FTM Detransitioning Experience: Quitting T and Getting Back to Life As A Woman” which was always one of my top rated posts and a source of great comfort and information for women looking to get off testosterone, many of whom shared vital perspectives in the comments. Also some of the guest posts from women recovering from partnership with autogynephiles (“trans widows”) with extensive critical information in comments from other survivors. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to effectively safeguard your important work and contributions against the censorial power of the misogynist men running Automattic/Wordpress.com who lack all ethics.
I believe what Automattic/Wordpress.com is doing to lesbian and feminist bloggers is criminal. I support a Congressional Inquiry into the selective censorship conducted by US based social media and blogging platforms. I support government regulation of such companies as public utilities, subject to constitutional law regarding freedom of speech.

You have retroactively modified my public statement in four different places by removing text and inserting the phrase “redacted”. Please correct your phrasing to clarify [redacted by 4thWaveNow], [redacted by 4thWaveNow] , [redacted by 4thWaveNow], [redacted by 4thWaveNow], so that out is clear that YOU have censored my statement and not myself. Thanks.
4thWaveNow did NOT change your statement in any way. Thank you for letting us know; this is the first we heard. WordPress/Automattic did this, in stealth, without informing us. No email, no Twitter message, nothing. See the latest post. We will be republishing your statement, in full, as soon as we can. We are likely going to move the site to a different blogging platform.
In addition to their retroactive sanitizing of your statement, as you know, they also are somehow shadow-banning every comment you submit; your comments do not appear in notifications, and can only be found by one of us going to WPAdmin and searching for your comments by author name.
I support you as a sister who is speaking out and daring to challenge the trans effort (male) to erase lesbians as a presence in both current and past history. The debate/fight over this issue has driven a tremendous knife between sisters as we struggle to explain what should be obvious: we have a right to our space, right to exclude others from our private space, and a right to exist as lesbians and women.
Thank you for getting this information to the public and for exposing censorship. We are fighting this at our own site. Search my name “Rosa Koire” to learn more.
Dear Gallus, You are missed very much. I never knew until just now what happened to you and GenderTrender. I am heartsick your voice and all your hard work has been silenced. It is not only an offense against you but against all like minded women as well. You taught me well my friend. You showed me courage! You recognized the never before heard voices of Trans Widows, their children and the path of pain and destruction these deluded, deceitful men leave behind. Where your voice has been silenced, an infinite number now rise up. All my respect, Cheryl
Pingback: BREAKING: WordPress furtively sanitizes GenderTrender statement, without informing 4thWaveNow | 4thWaveNow
WoLF (Women’s Liberation Front) is pursuing a lawsuit against WordPress/Automatic. It will cost $25,000. Please donate if you can! We have got to fight back or women will lose the right to participate in the public square of social media.
That’s quite an expensive hobby you have there Lierre. Why don’t you get your bros to donate the $25,000 and let women spend their relatively insignificant resources on themselves, or each other directly. Your litigious bullshit drains the radfem community of resources every couple of years and it’s starting to seem like it’s deliberate, if not on your part personally then on someone’s.
Fascinated to know if you’d call the series of cases that led to the Lawrence v. Texas decision, “litigious bs”, Cannabis Refugee?
Do you think all human rights litigation is a waste of time and resources, or only such litigation as benefits women? Why are you bothering to comment on a site like this if you don’t think that the laws we live under are important?
I hope no one who’s having a hard time making rent or buying groceries would ever feel pressured to donate to campaigns like ours, but then, it’s hard to imagine that anyone is really pressured to do so because it’s entirely voluntary. If people think our work is useful though, they can donate with our thanks.
This is such a devastating loss for the radfem and gender-critical blogging community! I went to GenderTrender so many times over the last three years, and always learnt so much from it. I hope the blog is able to come back in some form eventually, since it was such an invaluable wealth of information.
I am literally aghast at this. I consider myself a radfem and the fact that Gallus Mag’s blog is no longer available because of the trans agenda is beyond disgusting. It was a great for me to catch up on all the trans nonsense.
I had, at one point, thought I was trans, but took my sweet time acting on it. Doing the best I could online, I came to the realize that I am a butch lesbian. My wife had at one point thought that she was transgender, but she was treated so abominably treated on several FtM boards that she wants nothing more to do with trans ( she has numerous health issues that preclude taking hormones and surgery). They literally REQUIRE one to take hormones that are harmful to women (T does some nasty stuff to women’s blood) and mutilating surgery. I’m so glad that I never started on the hormones–I would likely be dead by now if I’d gone that route.
Actually, I just remembered something that happened to me when I was with a former girlfriend–she took me to a meeting of transmen in New Orleans. One of them mentioned that one woman suffered a debilitating stroke three months after starting T. Thank God/dess for her honesty, because it made me very hesitant to start T–she probably saved my life.
I really liked Gallus Mag’s blog–I hope he or she (not sure of the sex) finds another home for their blog. Their voice and the voice of 4th wave now are very necessary.
It appears ya_ni_vjon is running the show. This is not good for us in particular and women in general. They are suspending women on twitter for speaking out about Megan’s banning and combing through our tweets to censure us for longer and longer periods. All this to stop women speaking up about tra’s. there must be a lot of money and male bodied trans in positions of power for this to happen.
That’s certainly what it looks like to me. I believe money is behind all this “all trans, all the time” nonsense. if there wasn’t a great deal of money to be made off of it, especially by the medical and psychiatric professions, you wouldn’t hear much about it.
Pingback: More censorship re trans ... - Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
What will Automattic do if just a name is written in a comment?
Shall we find out?
What are the boundaries within which the Overlords permit women to speak?
–A Loose Sonnet of Sorts–
Jonathan Yaniv
Jessica Yaniv
Jonathan ‘Jessica’ Yaniv
Jonathan Yaniv
Jessica Yaniv
Jonathan ‘Jessica’ Yaniv
Jonathan Yaniv
Jessica Yaniv
Jonathan ‘Jessica’ Yaniv
We end with a soft rhyming couplet
To dispel the form as pervertet
Excellent interpretation of the age old saga ‘the pedo and his mates’.
Pingback: If A Disease Is Untreatable, Incurable and Progressive, Is It A “Medical” Condition at All? – Cannabis Refugee, Esq.
Twitter is throwing transexuals who say they are male off twitter. It’s ridiculous. Meanwhile in New Zealand. Rachel Stewart wrote a calm opinion piece that has trans and their stupid supporters up in arms. Female politicians and middle aged women are rushing out to defend trans, because they are thinking the debate is about transexuals and not about mra’s, incels, pedophiles, rapists, and angry domestic violence male perps who benefit by taking away women and girls security. It’s so obvious what is going on but some male apologists people can not see beyond the hype.
Was https://twanzphobic.wordpress.com/ one of the original blogs to go down? It’s down now.
Ugh. WordPress as a web platform is pretty fantastic, and now I feel dirty for using it. This is a literal example of Orwellianism history erasure in the name of protecting individuals who are forcing society to play a game of suspension of disbelief to protect their fragile (and deluded) idea of their self-image.
I really hope Gallus chooses to continue GenderTrender.
I really hope Gallus chooses to continue GenderTrender.
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Gallus, we miss you.
Yes, we miss you very much.
Responding to the “ridiculous” and other comments above, Lierre and WoLF and DGR did ask for donations for a lawsuit, naming GenderTrender, as if Gallus Mag would get some of the money to continue GenderTrender, and knowing naming her would bring in the majority of the money, but of course they not only changed their minds and kept the over $13,000 collected — they scrubbed/erased any mention of her after they got the money.
But we have their earlier postings naming GenderTrender, if anyone wants to see the proof.
Can it get more dirty than scamming women for money using the name of the Lesbian who has done more to fight the trans cult than anyone, then keeping (stealing) it, and then trying to deny it?
How can they ever be trusted again?
I think WoLF messed up in a number of ways. However, I am not willing to declare them any kind of enemy. They are doing things that are probably helping. I mean, did their actions get GM her files? I was under the impression they did. We have enough serious enemies out there to deal with, with far more money than any of us, without getting into infighting. I will probably continue to give them money as long as they continue to do something in the right direction. However, I would like to donate an equivalent amount to Gallus Mag and have no idea how. (And I should probably donate here, too.)
NOTICE TO ALL from 4thWaveNow administratrators: Several more comments have been submitted today on the topic of how WolF handled its fundraising efforts after WordPress/Automattic removed GenderTrender without notice. While we recognize that the several women commenting have very strong feelings and want to continue this conversation, we have decided we do not want to host what is turning into an increasingly heated discussion in the comments section of this post. We would like to strongly urge that the women who have submitted comments here start a topic on r/GenderCritical to continue this discussion. Thank you.
But why leave it so that it looks like WoLF helped Gallus get her files? They didn’t and I hope you will be willing to publish this final comment.
Pingback: Expulsión de Twitter por alertar sobre un presunto pedófilo que se identifica como trans - Abolición de la realidad
I have been trying to find the list that Gallus published of women’s human rights which are being stripped by transradicals. Do you know where I mind find it?
Found it after after searching for several days:
“Here is a list of the Human Rights of Women that transactivism is eliminating. No is saying trans-identified individuals should not have rights civil protections such as housing, employment etc. But what IS wrong is that the transactivists are erasing females as a protected sex class and erasing the sex-based protections of women and girls.”
Unlike any other social justice movement in history, the contemporary push for “Transgender Rights” as it is currently being played out are unique in that they are based on eliminating the sex-based rights and protections of women and girls.
• Removing the right of women to assemble outside the presence of men.
• Removing the legal right of women to organize politically against sex-based oppression by males.
• Elimination of the patient right of dependent females to hospital/facility/bed assignments separate from males
• Removing the legal right of women to be free from the presence of men in areas of public accommodation where nudity occurs.
• Elimination of the right of dependent females to prefer female providers for their intimate personal care requirements.
• Removing the legal right of women to educational programs created for women outside the presence of men.
• Elimination of sex-based crime statistics.
• Elimination of the human right of female prisoners under state confinement to housed separately from male prisoners
• Eliminating athletic programs and sports competition for women and girls.
• Eliminating data collection of sex-based inequalities in areas where females are underrepresented.
• Elimination of grants, scholarships, board and trustee designations, representative positions and affirmative programs for women.
• Removing the legal right of women to create reproductive clinics, rape crisis services, support groups or any organisation for females.
• Eliminating media and all public discourse specific to females.
• Removal of the right of journalists to report the sex, and history, of subjects
• Eliminating the legal right of lesbians to congregate publicly
• Elimination of lesbian-specific organisations and advocacy groups
• Removing the legal right of women to free speech related to sex roles and gender
• Elimination of the legal right of women to protection from state-enforced sex-roles (appearance/behaviour/thought)
• Elimination of the legal right of girls to protection from state-enforced sex-roles in public education
Edited to add, since compiling this list Gallus Mag has been censored and had her account deleted by WordPress for advocating for women’s lawful sex based rights. I had to hunt for this list, it, it was not easy to find, and had I not already seen it at one point and known her name and what to search for it would never have come up in any queries about women’s rights being eliminated by transactivists. Please share.
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