It’s not conversion therapy to learn to love your body: A teen desister tells her story

Update 28 August 2019

At her request, we have removed our interview with Maxine. She told us:

“I’m still happily desisted from my former trans identification. In fact, I have moved on to the point that I am no longer interested in talking or even thinking about ‘gender.’ My life is full and rich, and I’m very glad I did not medically transition. But I am a private person, and at this time, am no longer willing to share my very personal story with the world via the Internet.


I wasted a lot of precious time believing I was trans. At the time of this interview nearly two years ago, I was very angry about that, and wanted to help other people, so I wasn’t thinking about my privacy.


I’m really glad that sharing my story helped other young people become more comfortable with their bodies. Best wishes to all.”

Moving on